AdvANCING milwaukee's art, culture, and creative industries
By amplifying the voice of artists, promoting equitable policies, and securing increased public funding, we ensure that the transformative power of the arts reaches every corner of our city, fostering economic growth, social cohesion, and individual well-being. Together, we can build a future where the arts flourish, talent thrives, and Milwaukee shines as a beacon of creativity.
Advocacy Alert
ACT Now!
Email your Wisconsin legislators to make the arts, culture, and creative sector a priority
in the 2025-2027 state budget.
Visit Create Wisconsin and Action! Wisconsin to easily generate and send emails to your lawmakers.
Take action To:
Increase funding for Wisconsin’s arts and culture organizations!
Establish a Wisconsin Office of Film and Creative Industries and offer production incentives!
Fund a new Wisconsin Rural Creative Economy grant program!

C.A.L.M. organizes to share knowledge and resources that empower arts organizations to be better functioning businesses and help each other be equipped with the tools and services to maintain their programs
Resources and Research